
From loans and bonds to working capital and supply chain financing, we’re seeing it play an ever-greater role in the deals that we’ve recently closed at Standard Bank.

Standard Bank takes ESG seriously. In 2022 the Group launched its Climate Policy, committing to achieve net zero carbon emissions from our own operations for newly built facilities by 2030, for existing facilities by 2040, and from our portfolio of financed emissions by 2050.

Kenya-based M-KOPA has empowered over 1.5 million customers with credit to access mainly smartphones and solar-powered products and unlocked $600m of credit for the underbanked. Now, a syndicated transaction deal totalling $192 million ($165m in Kenya and $27m in Uganda) brokered by Standard Bank and Stanbic Bank will enable the expansion of the business into Nigeria and Ghana and reach 20 million more customers.

Standard Bank recently launched We Believe In Here, a series that shares stories of positive impact through solutions that power Africa’s environmental sustainability. One of the voices of the campaign is Brian Marshall, Head of Investment Banking at Standard Bank Corporate and Investment Banking.

The summit builds on 2022’s Net zero theme, focussing on climate change in the context of energy access and energy transition, while acknowledging the link to ESG.