Strategic update

Strategy Update Presentation
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We believe in Africa
The time for Africato rise and grow is now

Strategy update
Sim Tshabalala,Group Chief Executive Officer,
Standard Bank Group (SBG)
Transform client experience

Consumer & High Networth Clients Presentation
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Consumer & High Networth Clients
Funeka Montjane,Chief executive officeR, consumer
& high net worth clients

One farm share
A digital platform that multiplies food donations and streamlines procurement directly from farmers and food producers to registered charity organisations.4:26

Business & Commercial Clients Presentation
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Business & Commercial Clients
David Hodnett,Interim Chief Executive Officer,
Business and Commercial Clients

Disrupting the mobile money business in Africa. A global digital platform that addresses the unsolved needs of communities, through innovation and accessibility.1:29

Power Pulse
Accelerating the adoption ofrenewable energy solutions in Africa
by providing a platform that fulfils a
coordination and optimisation role in
these projects.

Wholesale Clients Presentation
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Wholesale Clients
Kenny Fihla, Chief Executive Officer,Wholesale Clients

One Hub
A single gateway to anonline marketplace that gives
our corporate clients access to a
range of advanced digital solutions.

Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Solutions that power positive impact.1:22
Execute with excellence

Client Solutions Presentation
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Client Solutions
Margaret Nienaber, Chief Executive Officer, Client Solutions14:56

The Platform Economy
Panel Discussion Led by Technology Journalist, Arthur Goldstuck with Sangeet Paul Choudary, Margaret Nienaber, Christopher Browne, Kent Marais and Jonathan Lamb43:55

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Alpheus Mangale, Chief Engineering Officer14:58

Our Platform Approach
Our digital platforms arekey to advancing the service and
the solutions we offer our customers.

Sustainability Panel Presentation
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Sustainability Finance Panel Discussion
With David Hodnett,Hosted by Lerato Mbele,
With Sasha Cook and Mercia Geises

50 Sustainability And Climate Leaders
We believe doing businessthe right way can be as good for profitability as it is for sustainability.10:23

SBG Gender Agenda
Our HeforShe partnership4:51

SBG aims to make a positiveimpact on society, the economy
and the environment (SEE)

Mars Red Planet
Plant growth experiment on Mars designed by Redhouse and NASA using same technology as BIOHAB2:26

Biohab Panel Discussion
Hosted by Lerato Mbele, With Carolyn Kirksmith, Christopher Maurer AndDr. Andreas Mershin
Financial roadmap

Financial Roadmap Presentation
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Financial Roadmap
Arno Daehnke, Chief Finance and ValueManagement Officer

Q and A
Hosted by Lerato Mbele, with Sim Tshabalala, Arno Daehnke,David Hodnett, Margaret Nienaber
and Alpheus Mangale